Tips on Making Money on Fiverr as a Graphic Designer

If you're a graphic designer looking to make some extra cash, Fiverr can be a great platform to showcase your skills and earn money. Here are some tips to help you get started:

I know many of designers have turned their heads from Fiverr and it’s true Fiverr can sometimes be wack. But After trying Fiverr for the past couple of months I have been successful with creating some brand projects over time.

In my opinion, Fiverr is a full-time job in my opinion but it can be a great side hustle for creatives as another source of income. I remember working my full-time job and still being able to manage small brand projects.

When it comes to being successful on Fiverr it’s all about putting yourself out there and making work that YOU like to do as a designer. I feel that we as designers know how to design but we don’t know how to market ourselves correctly or showcase our work that is high quality. Being successful on Fiverr is to be consistent, expressive, and patient. Just like any other freelance gig it’s not always going to be flooded with clients but the more you are willing to put in the more you are willing to receive.

  1. Create a strong profile

  2. Offer a variety of services: Don't limit yourself to just one type of design service. Offer services that you enjoy and love so clients will be attracted to the work you create.

  3. Set competitive prices the problem with Fiverr is that it’s very saturated with designers who make cheap $5 logos and small business owners have to waste hundreds of dollars to get low-quality work.

  4. Communicate clearly with clients be sure to ask them lots of questions so that you aren’t overworking yourself or delivering more than needed.

  5. Deliver high-quality work: this makes you stand out from the rest and makes you attracted to clients more specific to you. Dont just slap a logo on a mockup, please :)

  6. AVOID SCAMS! you will get some scam clients from time to time make sure to not click any links or go off the platform when it comes to talking with a client.

Below you can download my free design guide that gives you tips on how to make your first $500 on Fiverr. HERE


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